Are you ready to end your relationship with cancer?

Creating Wellness Within

Hi, I'm Adrienne, a Women's Wellness & Solution Focused HypnoCoach living with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. I was first diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in October 2013.

Having undergone biopsies, mastectomy and chemotherapy I thought that I had broken the cycle, until September 2020 when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 secondaries.

At this time I took the decision to change my lifestyle and adopt a more holistic approach to my health; within 3 months I had created a healthier balance and scans showed no evidence of active disease (NEAD).

Unfortunately in April of this year, there was another recurrence, only this time far more widespread than any of us could have expected - this led to work on a much deeper level as well as undergoing mistletoe therapy and using other resources to aid my recovery.

I am now sharing my journey and experience with others in order to help them end the cancer cycle too.

Your Personal Journey

Cancer is a very different journey for each and every one of us, the important thing to remember throughout every stage is that it is your body and therefore your choice, do not, under any circumstances be rushed or forced into making decisions that do not sit easily with you, a day here or there to process and think and weigh up the pros and cons is absolutely fine.

Although the medical professionals are experts in their field, they are not experts in you, you are the only expert in you - you are a unique individual with a unique set of circumstances that have led you to where you are today.

Yes, diet and lifestyle are both contributory factors in the development of cancer and other illnesses and disease, but before my first diagnosis in 2013 I weighed in at 9 1/2 stone (60kg), I didn't and have never smoked, I drank very little, had a healthy balanced diet and had always been active as a runner, skier, climber and more. What had happened in the previous 10 years though was the death of my Father at 55, the death of 3 friends to breast cancer, all of whom were between the ages of 30-45, I'd had miscarriages and gone through a divorce - all of these situations were extremely stressful, and as you will learn, a build-up of stress and anger within the body has a negative impact on hormonal health.

You may hit a few roadblocks along the way, but there are more and more integrative oncologists coming to light now and alternative therapies are finally beginning to be accepted. There is still a long way to go though, and as long as the outdated 1939 cancer act remains in place it will continue to be difficult to find real help without doing much of your own research.

Recommended Reading

There are many many more books out there that are most definitely worth reading, for me though, these are the three that have had the biggest impact on my mindset, personal belief and determination.

You will find that the more digging you do the more you will find.


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Adrienne's work is soul centred and based on personal life experience

Making Changes

Simple Recipe Ideas

In order to create a hostile environment for cancer, diet is key

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Love Flower Line Art

Positive Thinking

The way we think impacts the way the cells within the body reacte, keep it positive

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Simple Steps

The smallest of steps lead to the biggest results.

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Love Flower Line Art

Positive Thinking

Those of you who have followed me for a while will have heard of my Ulterego Funkiinell. Funkiinell first came into my life 20+ years ago on a family ski trip and has sat quietly in the background until the time was right for her to step into her limelight - that time began earlier this year when she authored her first book, My Little Book of 'I Am'.

My Little Book of 'I Am' is a pocket size book filled with positive affirmations and simple reminders to help you through the day.

In order to maintain good health your thought processes and the words that you use are key. When you use positive instead of negative language, your physiology changes, this changes your thinking and thus changes the way you're feeling.

The human body is made up of trillions of cells and your mindset is more integral to the way these cells behave than many of us have ever considered.

As with any living organism, the human body needs the right environment to thrive, with an environment filled with stress, anxiety, poor diet and unhealthy surroundings the body will struggle to survive and this is where a positive mindset will help you to start changing that environment.


Mistletoe Therapy

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Colonic Hydrotherapy

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Mushroom Tinctures

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All three of these services are ones that I have personally used and, from my own personal experiences can highly recommend

What is Mistletoe Therapy?

Mistletoe Therapy is seen as an integrative approach to cancer and has been used throughout Europe to treat cancer since around 1920.

The mistletoe used here in the UK is European grown, known as Viscum album L, and is pharmaceutically prepared and placed into ampules where it is administered orally, subcutaneously, or via IV drip.

Sadly Mistletoe Therapy isn't promoted on NHS here in England although, it can in fact be prescribed by any GP registered with and licensed to practice with the General Medical Council.

Mistletoe therapy is however available on the NHS in Scotland.

Containing a number of active ingredients, the aim of Mistletoe therapy is to strengthen the body's natural immune system and defenses. These active ingredients can reduce the risk of cancer spreading and recurrence, and when used alongside chemotherapy can also reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy.

There are 3 types of Mistletoe Therapy,

  • Standard,
  • Fever Inducing
  • Tumour Targeted

All offer a slightly different approach but have the main objective and that is to eliminate cancer cell death within the tumor

Research has shown that some benefits of mistletoe therapy are:

  • Improved quality of life
  • Boosted immune/defense systems
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Reduced risk of recurrence and spread of disease

Mistletoe Therapy is closely monitored and should only be accessed through a licensed pratictioner.

If you would like to know more about the research behind it you can find out more at

Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic hydrotherapy became one of my chosen 'alternative' therapies when I became aware of the cancer recurrence in April of this year, you may wonder why?

As I've previously mentioned, treating cancer is not just about treating the symptoms, it is about looking at the whole picture and tackling the issue from all angles.

You may or may not know that there is a direct connection between gut health and the immune system, so get the gut balanced and working effectively and you'll support the immune system (can you see a trend here with cancer and the immune system?)

In addition, when I have my colonic treatment with Liz, as standard also uses coffee enemas. Coffee enemas help to detoxify the liver and aid the body's natural cleansing which in turn helps to boost the body's natural immune system.

Since starting to have colonics earlier this year, I can honestly say that I have experienced less bloating, fewer sugary cravings, increased energy, improved skin, and improved toilet habits too.

I have recommended colonic treatments to many of my clients over recent months, most of whom have taken heed, booked appointments, and feel much better for having done so. Personally, I wish I'd had the bottle to do it years ago!

There is controversy out there surrounding colonics and their benefits, but as will all things alternative this is only to be expected. All I shall say is do your own research, go with what feels right for you and always use a practitioner who has a proven history or who has been recommended.

My practitioner has over 25 years of experience, was a trained Nurse for many years prior, and can be contacted via the link above.

Mushroom Tinctures

It was September 2020 when I discovered an enlarged lymph node in my neck. We were between lockdowns and I had just finished 6 months of training as a Life Coach with Jay Shetty Coaching Certificate, so it should have been a time of celebration, instead, it was a time of uncertainty and fear.

In a bid to create positive changes in my life, I began to search for information on alkaline diets and discovered a book called 'How To Starve Cancer' by Jane McLelland - a lady first diagnosed with cancer in 1994, then again in 1998 and Leaukaemia in 2004 , and yet, here she was today living life to the full and giving hope to people like me.

In her book Jane talks about cancer pathways, I won't deny, it was quite technical in places, but she also talks about different foods and supplements for different cancers.

A food/supplement deemed beneficial to those of us with breast cancer is Turkey Tail mushroom, yet another supplement I had no idea how to source. There are so many suppliers of supplements but it's imperative to find yourself an ethical and reliable supplier.

Fast forward to September of this year and whilst scrolling through Instagram I came across a company pretty local to me called Mama's Cottage Mushrooms, and what they didn't have from a tincture perspective didn't seem to be worth having - I'd finally hit the jackpot!

Kate & Matty are two of the loveliest people with a passion for our shroomy friends, alchemy, and helping others. With their knowledge and guidance, I have been able to make informed decisions about the right tinctures for me - from Turkey Tail for its cancer fighting qualities to Chaga for helping me sleep.

All of their products are responsibly sourced and created with love, so if you'd like to know more about their products, follow the link to their website on the 'Links' page.


Women's Wellness & Solution Focused Hypnocoach




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